Wave Motion and Sound

Concept Explanation

Wave Motion and Sound

Wave motion is nothing but a mode of transfer of energy from place to place without material support. The most common medium through which sound travels is air.

Formation of Compression and Rarefaction in Air: When a vibrating object moves forward in air, it pushes and compresses the air in front of it, creating a compression which starts to move away from the vibrating object. When the vibrating object moves backwards, it creates rarefaction. Compression is the part of a longitudinal wave in which the particles of the medium are closer to one another than they normally are and it is the region of high pressure. It is denoted by C. Rarefaction is the part of a longitudinal wave in which the particles of the medium are farther apart than they normally are and it is the region of low pressure. It is denoted by R. As the object moves back and forth rapidly, a series of compressions and rarefactions is created in air.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

The sound used in the navigation system has a frequency

Right Option : B
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Question : 2
Column - IColumn - II
(A) Wavelength(p) Sensitive ultrasonic
(B) Bats(q) Distance between two consecutive crest
(C) Noise(r) Reflection of sound
(D) Aerophone

(s) Non - periodic vibrations

(t) Distance between two consecutive compressions


Right Option : A
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Question : 3

The speed of sound of a wave of frequency 200 Hz in air is 340 m/s. The speed of sound of wave of frequency 400 Hz in same air is _________________

Right Option : A
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